Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rommel is quite comfortable

One of the key issues with the relocation back to the US is for Rommel to find places where she is comfortable sleeping. Like most cats whose owners use laptops, the keyboard of a laptop makes a perfect bed, especially when the laptop is running and is nice and warm. Makes it pretty much impossible to get work done sometimes...
I am happy to see both Rommel and Bobik are settling in nicely though...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Settling in to the US

Things are going well on the US side... Bobik and Rommel have fully settled in to the hotel (and are getting cozy as you can see below... Bobik does not belong on the furniture... but he looked awfully cute there (Sara was out grocery shopping and I was working in the office, so I did not notice him there at first :-)...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Great Resource - picture of any house / building in Moscow

Just found this great site... it's a google project and will let you see (almost) any house / building in Moscow (only in Russian language though)...

Here's a picture of our building...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Update on home contruction

Just a very brief update on our home construction. Click on the link in the title (or see the picture below) for an overview of our property. We are the lot right in the middle of your screen (between the road and lake front)... our property lines are the tree lines on the left and right (actually, we extend beyond the tree lines on both sides. Now that our focus shifts away from Moscow, Russia and towards Shickshinny, Pennsylvania... more pictures and updates to come...

View Larger Map

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Luxery Taxis

I was heading past the Expo Center in Moscow on Friday afternoon and there was some event happening there... so of course the streets were packed and lots of limos were around... but I was quite surprised when I noticed a lovely maroon and orange painted Maybach sitting on the side of the road... as an 'official' taxi. Click on the link in the title of this post to see pictures of this...