Thursday, March 31, 2005

Update from the Road (Warsaw & Prague)

Nothing too special... just wanted to share a couple things with you... I'm out travelling... visited our Pampers production in Warsaw, Poland and our Laundry Soap production in Racovnik, Czech Republic (50 kilometers outside of Prague). It's been a long week - but has been very beneficial for me...

The more Eastern Europe / Central Europe cities that I visit (regardless of size) have a similar look and feel (although, obviously, Moscow is slightly bigger with 13 million people versus... say Racovnik which has 16 thousand people). Regardless, seems like each city has a Kremlin-like surrounding which includes significant churches, a central gathering area, some housing, and how has shops / restaurants as well. What initially felt strange and new in Moscow now feels very familiar and comfortable.

The weather, outside of Russia, has been great here. While Russia is still below freezing and still snowing... the rest of Europe that I've been in recently is warm (50 - 60 F, sunny, flowers blooming). Hope you are all doing well...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Fire at Izmailovo

A little reminder today of the country we live in... fairly large fire on Saturday at Izmailovo - which is the art market that Sara and I visit in Moscow. Read the story at the link I've included (click on the title of this post)... it gives you a bit of insight into how people value their lives, and how problem solving is approached here.