Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Bad Week for "people we know but don't really know"

So the past week or so has been difficult from a "people we know but don't really know" perspective... so far the count is as follows:

Pope John Paul II - lots of news and opinions on this one... so I won't share much more...

Johnny Cochran - while he will be most remembered for his defense of OJ Simpson, Johnny played a significant role in many other cases that shape civil rights in American society. Don't let his flamboyance and notoriety influence how you view his place in history.

Terry Schiavo - whether you agree or disagree with how this has turned out... it shows you the importance of taking care of your own personal needs and desires within the scope of the law of the country you are in (i.e. if you don't have one, get a living will... and get real clear with the necessary people on what your desires are in very unfortunate circumstances). Sara and I have had the necessary conversations over the past few days, and legal paperwork for us will follow shortly... I suggest you do the same, and don't wait...

Mitch Hedberg - believe it or not... I think this one was the hardest and most shocking for us. Mitch is not much older than Sara and I (he was 37)... and we saw him perform multiple times... we've shaken hands and exchanged greetings with him in comedy clubs, have been completely entertained by his work, and, in our personal lives, use references to him in the high amounts of humor we share in our house. In fact, we were out with another couple while in Moscow over the weekend, and, while at that time we did not know of his death, we were talking about him (we all had ordered the fettuccine alfredo, and Sara made the joke that "fettuccine alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults" - which required an explanation of where the joke came from...)Some of the humor you see in our website comes from Mitch... (warning: due to language, the previous link is probably not suitable to everyone) Mitch's death was a shock - someone like him who lived life on his terms and built a successful career... and touched many many people. I know, in relation to everything else that is happening right now, many of you may think the death of another entertainer (probably due to drug usage) is not important... and perhaps to you it's not. To me, Mitch (and Harry Chapin) is someone I listen to on scary car rides between Moscow and Novomoskovsk... someone who can distract me from the reality of life... a personal escape if you will. If nothing else, this was a reminder about the importance of living life to its fullest... but always taking care of yourself. For a touching remembrance of Mitch, see this article written by former P&Ger Josh Sneed (now working professional as a comic and writer).


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11:07 PM, September 14, 2006  
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11:07 PM, September 14, 2006  
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11:07 PM, September 14, 2006  

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