Saturday, October 15, 2005

Winter is almost here...

On a typical weekend in Russia... Sara and I do one of two things:

  1. Go to Moscow to go out for dinner, a swim in the pool in the hotel, then grocery shopping at Stockmann's and Cash & Carry, followed by a return trip to Moscow.
  2. Staying at home in the cottage in Novomoskovsk and possibly not exiting (other than to walk the dog) until Monday morning.

This weekend, we choose option 2 (since we were in Moscow & St Petersburg all last week)... so today was a nice day of getting caught up a little on emails... writing... catching up on the stack of periodicals... checking on some websites, booking travel etc. While doing this, I learned that winter (for us at least) may be just around the corner... temperature will go below freezing this week, and snow is predicted... no guarantee it will be substantial snow (i.e. more than 1" or ~ 2 centimeters).... but I think it will be snow none the less.


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