Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just got back from vacation...

Hi there... just a quick update... Sara and I just got back from our springtime vacation... we spent 8 days around western Europe... visiting Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin, Copenhagen. Just wanted to give you a quick update on the trip...

Brussels - very nice to visit for 2 days or so... decent food, some history, very nice architecture.

Amsterdam - we've been here before, and decided to go back... that's enough of an endorsement. Great place to visit - absolutely beautiful city.

Dublin - been here before as well... came specifically for St Patrick's Day. Weather was not so good - cold and even a little snowy.

Copenhagen - the surprise of the trip. We went to Copenhagen only because it was "on the way back to Moscow" and we probably would never go there otherwise. Wow - we were wrong - great food, very quiet city. Very pretty... we are planning a return here.

We had a great time... and it was a good escape for the week. We were both sick unfortunately (I more than Sara) with bad colds / sinus infection / bronchitis / flu / etc (who knows - we just took antibiotics and cough syrup and let nature take care of the rest) but we still had a very nice time.

Be sure to check out the pictures!


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